Fate/stay Night Wiki
Fate/stay Night Wiki
Shirō Emiya
General Information
Race Human
Age 16+
Gender Male
Specific Information

Shirō is the main protagonist of the series. He is a human boy in his second year of high school. Shirō is raised by his adopted father, Kiritsugu Emiya, who imparts on him basic sorcery, and the ideal of protecting the innocent.


Shirō is a good-hearted and honest teenager, who always enjoys helping others. He has no interest in the Holy Grail, and instead despises its use. However, he is determined to win the Holy Grail War with Saber, for he hopes his efforts will ensure that another disaster like the Fuyuki fire will never occur again. He believes that it is possible to save everyone without harming any innocents. He often takes this ideal to the extreme, going as far to shield his own servant from danger. Due to Archer despising this ideal, Shirō and Archer are usually seen arguing or not seeing eye to eye. The main plot of Fate/stay night focuses around his ideal and the three different ways in which he approaches it.


His hobbies include fixing a variety of broken things, from VCRs to stoves, as well as cooking and cleaning.

Sorcery Skills[]

Shirō is unskilled in most traditional forms of sorcery, and thus focuses on two minor abilities; Tracing, the power to analyze the structural composition of objects, and Reinforcment, the power to increase their structural integrity, such as the sharpness of a sword and durability of a shield. Even so, he is unskilled in using Reinforcement, and can only use Tracing competently, and his various applications of them are limited. Later on, he discovers that his true primary ability is Projection, which allows him to recreate objects from memory. The clearer the image in the user's mind, the better the final result. Shirō finds himself to be particularly adept at Projection, able to Trace the history and special properties of the items, though they are of slightly lesser quality (They are downgraded one rank from the original). At the culmination of his abilities is his Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works, which is the source of his unusual projection magic. It is an inner world that is a self-contained alternate reality, within which exists all of the materials Shirō needs to recreate any bladed weapon, and it manifests itself as a barren wasteland covered in all the swords Shirō has ever seen or known of, but with a beautiful dawn in the sky. For Shirō, projection is not truly creation, but transporting the desired sword from his inner world to the outer, explaining his unusual proficiency with it. Shirō is able to control all of the swords in Unlimited Blade Works using only his mind, using them to attack his opponent without having to physically touch them.
